
Definition of Sodium dichromate

Sodium dichromate is generated on a large scale from ores containing chromium(III) oxides. The ore is fused with a base, typically sodium carbonate, at around 1000 °C in the presence of air (source of oxygen)
Dichromate and chromate salts are oxidizing agents. For the tanning of leather, sodium dichromate is first reduced with sulfur dioxide.
In the area of organic synthesis, this compound oxidizes benzylic and allylic C-H bonds to carbonyl derivatives.
Like all hexavalent chromium compounds, sodium dichromate is considered hazardous. It is also a known carcinogen.
Read more: http://www.chromium-chromium.net/Chromate-series/Industrial-Sodium-Dichromate/


How to make Chromium Oxalate?

Chromium Oxalate is produced by the reaction of oxalic acid with a chromium salt. Chromium Oxalate is currently only available as a solution.
Chromium Oxalate is a highly specialised product finding use in metal treatment and plating and the pharmaceutical industry.
Read more: http://www.chromium-chromium.net/Chromate-series/Chromic-Oxalate/


What is Chromium hydroxide?

Chromium hydroxide (Cr(OH)3) is amphoteric, dissolving in acidic solutions to form [Cr(H2O)6]3+, and in basic solutions to form [Cr(OH)6]3. It is dehydrated by heating to form the green chromium(III) oxide (Cr2O3), which is the stable oxide with a crystal structure identical to that of corundum.
Chromium hydroxide is used in Metallurgy, Dye and pigment, Wood preservative, Tanning, Refractory material, Catalysts.
chromium compounds were used in dyes and paints and the tanning of leather, these compounds are often found in soil and groundwater at abandoned industrial sites, now needing environmental cleanup and remediation per the treatment of brownfield land.
Read more: http://www.chromium-chromium.net/Chromate-series/Chromic-Hydroxide/

The Benefits of Chromium Chloride

Chromium Chloride includes Chromium(II) chloride, Chromium(III) chloride, Chromium(IV) chloride.
Chromium (III) chloride is the essential food-based nutrient that provides chromium in the diet. Chromium (IV) chloride is derived from chromium (III) chloride and has industrial uses. Chromium (III) chloride is found in large quantities in such foods as cheese, liver and wheat grains.
Chromium chloride can help in preventing type 2 diabetes by increasing the insulin levels in the body. This is a benefit of all chromium nutritional supplements.
Read more: http://www.chromium-chromium.net/Chromate-series/Chromium-Chloride/