
Are you searching Sodium fluotitanate?

Molecularformula:  Na2Ti 63H2 O
Molecularweight:   258.08
Execute standard: National standard/GB
Apperance: It is a green powder with hygroscopic, soluble in water
Application: The raw material of the electrolytic process manufacture titanium metal.
More about: Sodium fluotitanate
Read more: http://www.fluorides-fluoride.net/Products/198/


Are you looking for Potassium Fluoborate?

Application: it is used as a flux in the metal processing, surface treatment, and in the manufacture of aluminum, titanium and boron alloys. It is also used as a component for the fabrication of grinding wheel and abrasive disc to reduce the operating temperature, as a fire retardant for cotton and artificial fiber, and an erodent for the removal of exposed lead circuit board
More about: Potassium Fluoborate
Read more: http://www.fluorides-fluoride.net/Products/216/


Ammonium dichromate

Ammonium dichromate is the inorganic compound with the formula (NH4)2Cr2O7. In this compound, as in all chromates and dichromates, chromium is in a +6 oxidation state, commonly known as hexavalent chromium. It is a salt consisting of ammonium ions and dichromate ions.
It has been used in pyrotechnics and in the early days of photography as well as in lithography, as a source of pure nitrogen in the laboratory, and as a catalyst. It is also used as a mordant for dyeing pigments, in the manufacturing of alizarin, chrome alum, leather tanning and oil purification.
Oxidation reactions
Ammonium dichromate is a strong oxidising agent and reacts, often violently, with any reducing agent. The stronger the reducing agent, the more violent the reaction. It has also been used to promote the oxidation of alcohols and thiols.
More about: Ammonium Dichromate
Read more: http://www.chromium-chromium.net/Chromate-series/Ammonium-Dichromate/

How to get Potassium dichromate?a

Potassium dichromate is a common inorganic chemical reagent, most commonly used as an oxidizing agent in various laboratory and industrial applications.
Cleaning: potassium dichromate may be used to prepare "chromic acid", which can be used for cleaning glassware and etching materials.
Construction: It is used as an ingredient in cement in which it retards the setting of the mixture and improves its density and texture.
Ethanol determination: The concentration of ethanol in a sample can be determined by back titration with acidified potassium dichromate.
Leather: It is used to tan leather which is used for footwear.
Photography: Potassium dichromate has important uses in photography and in photographic screen printing, where it is used as an oxidizing agent together with a strong mineral acid.
Sulfur dioxide test: Potassium dichromate paper can be used to test for sulfur dioxide, as it turns distinctively from orange to green.
Wood treatment: Potassium dichromate is used to stain certain types of wood by darkening the tannins in the wood.
More about: Potassium Dichromate
Read more: http://www.chromium-chromium.net/Chromate-series/Potassium-Dichromate/